Beautiful Timing


He has made everything beautiful in its time. Ecclesiastes 3:11

God’s timing is not always our timing. In fact, most times it isn’t. But His timing is always so much better and sweeter than ours could ever be. I got to experience once such act of God’s timing recently that truly blessed my heart.

My mom and stepdad married when I was in high school. She broughtt two teenagers, a son and a daughter, to the equation and he brought two teenage girls. To say that we were a handful would be an extreme understatement! How we all survived those years, I am still not quite sure.

As we grew into adulthood and made lives for ourselves, we each went our own way and did our own thing. My sisters ending up moving off to two different areas of the country, and we rarely spoke or saw each other. Facebook came along, and that has given us a platform in which we can keep tabs on each other and be a spectator in each other’s lives.

My parents have had the opportunity to have two of the four of us together on many occasions, and rarely have three of us been at the same place at the same time. But just a few weeks ago, God’s timing was right to bring us all together in one place for several days, and we got the opportunity to enjoy a special event together as a family. He is so good that not only did He allow us all this time together, He even added a few of the grandkids in the mix to make it an extra sweet time of celebration. This was the first time in over two decades that my parents had all four of their babies in one spot, laughing together and sharing fun memories, all while making new ones that will last a lifetime. What a precious time that was! How beautiful is God’s sweet timing! His word says He makes all things new, and this is so true. He made new our love and appreciation for each other. He made new our desire to spend more time together. He made new our laughter, and our tears.

God is such a good God. He cares for us in such a special way. Don’t try to get ahead of Him in your life. Trust in His timing. It is beautiful every time.