
14656441_10207323470186431_1718492229638159433_nBetty Predmore is an author, blogger, ministry leader, and the founder of Mom-Sense, Inc., which was designed to bring encouragement and inspiration to women in all seasons of their life journey through the Word of God and the love of Christ.  Mom-Sense is a faith-based women’s organization providing small groups and individual counseling on various women’s topics including parent, addiction, marriage, conflict resolution, grief, building confidence, and more.  The ministry also offers a variety of events throughout the year and has an online presence offering encouragement and mentorship through social media.

Betty enjoys speaking at women’s events. Betty has dedicated her life to sharing God’s Word with women in a profound and inspiring way, sprinkled with honesty, humor, and encouragement. Her blogs can be found on this website and on the Facebook page Betty Predmore – Author, Speaker & Founder of Mom-Sense and Facebook group Mom-Sense. She uses her blogs as a means of speaking to and touching the hearts of women by sharing her own story and her own thoughts on this crazy journey called life.

Betty is the author of  Pondering Virtue and Whispered Grace, two devotionals filled with inspiring stories and thoughts that will bless your heart and help you realize the power and love of our Savior.

Betty Predmore is also Executive Director of the Imperial Valley Lifecenter, which is a pro-life women’s resource center, where she works with pregnant women to encourage LIFE, and works with mothers to enhance their quality of LIFE.

Betty shares her life with her husband Jim, and their 10 children (three of whom are adopted). She attends First Christian Church in El Centro, California and holds positions in numerous community organizations. Betty uses her theme of “Mentorship * Connection * Service” to help each woman be the best she can be, to lead the virtuous life that we can only achieve through the amazing grace of Christ and the love of our Almighty Father.


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