He Is Our Home

God created us for community. He created us, as women, to need fellowship with other women. It was His plan that we come together…in times of joy and celebration, and in times of sorrow and need.
We have a beautiful promise found in His word…that when we come together, He joins us in that place. He is there in our moments of celebration, and He is there in our times of pain.
Do you have women in your life who walk your victories with you? And are there women who hold your hand through the toughest trials? We were not meant to dance through life on our own, but with a Congo line behind us, and our Father in Heaven leading the way.
There is power in prayer, and there is something so sweet and powerful about gathering together in prayer… calling on His name and knowing without a doubt that He hears you. And knowing that He will meet you where you are, and He will honor the prayers of those praying for and with you.
Believe in that promise found in Matthew. Believe that coming together is powerful. Rest in the certainty that He is there with you, that He hears you, and that He will not leave you abandoned. Gather your girls. He is right there waiting.
Anxiety can ruin our day. It sneaks in through the back door of our minds and grips our hearts. When it gets a really good grip on us, it is hard to get loose. But we are overcomers. God has given us tools to break free from the chains of anxiety, and one of those tools is the kindness of others. Having someone speak kind words into your anxious heart can be just the thing we need to remove that anxiety.
Do you have someone in your life that speaks kindness? Someone that can penetrate the depths of your troubled soul with their words of love, concern, and compassion? What about you…do you speak kindness to those around you? Are you that source of strength and support to others?
Let’s not allow our hearts to be weighed down by worry. And let’s help others keep free from that bondage, as well. SPEAK KINDNESS! Surround yourself with others who will SPEAK KINDNESS to you. A lighter, more cheerful world is what we all need?
It is so important that we have women who live for Christ to mentor us. We need the example and the accountability. Surrounding ourselves with wise women who walk with Christ helps us continue to propel forward in the direction God has purposes for us.
Who are those women in your life? Do you have women of wisdom to seek guidance from? Do you fellowship with like-minded believers? Are there women in your life that will tell you what you need to hear, even when it isn’t what you want to hear?
Life is so much easier when we walk alongside others who have the same heart for Christ as we do. There is such a sweet joy found in connection with others who love as Christ loved. Thank You Lord that you provide that sisterhood. Thank You for the precious gift of friendship.
Are you feeling like life is impossible? Maybe you are in a place where you feel like success is drifting further and further away, and you are stuck out on the crashing waves.
Has God given you an assignment that you are doubting you have the ability to see through to the end? Are you ready to give up?
Hold on, my sweet sister! You are not alone. God is walking right beside you in your difficult moments, in your doubts and fears, and in your days out on the crashing waves. If He has called you to a specific assignment, He will equip you to see it through. He knows your gifts,your talents your abilities. He knows because He gave them to you,
When we rely on ourselves, we set ourselves up to fail. But when we put our trust in God, He will make a way for us in the places we feel lost. Letting God take the lead in our lives opens the door for all the new things He has for us.
He has great things waiting for you! Areas of your life that seem like a desert can be transformed to beauty. You are the canvas, my sister. Hold still and let Him create His masterpiece.
Maybe you woke up to a crisis this morning. Maybe you didn’t sleep well, and you are dreading the day ahead. Perhaps you are facing illness or death in your family, or suffering through grief. Perhaps you are dreading your “to do” list and just want to pull the blankets back over your head and shut out this day. Or it could be that you have been feeling down for a while…inadequate, unimportant, misunderstood, unloved.
Dont let the enemy lie to you ! Don’t let him speak those untruths to your heart that say you cannot make it through whatever your day holds. Don’t allow him to convince you that you are not loved, appreciated, and so very worthy.
Your trials are not what defines you…how you walk through them is. As you naviagate through the hurts, the pains, the uncertainties, the fears, and the frustrations…look up to the One who is walking with you. He is using each moment to mold and shape you. Nothing is wasted with God, and your testimony is being created through your times of struggle.
And while you hang on, you are getting stronger, and your faith is multiplying. It is through our deepest struggles and darkest moments that our faith comes alive. Those troubles are temporary…but the enduring faith that comes from them will last a lifetime!