Whispered Grace is the second published collection of devotions from Betty Predmore. This collection of ponderings has been written for the purpose of encouraging women to listen for God’s gentle whisper as we seek Him to guide and direct our lives through all the many seasons He gives us. It is also a reminder that His grace far outweighs our failures, and we should live with confidence and courage, knowing that we are the treasured daughters of the King. Betty’s musings will make you laugh, bring you to tears, and help you to feel like you are a part of a larger entity, a sisterhood of believers, who love each other and their Jesus.
Find Whispered Grace on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Whispered-Grace-Betty-Predmore/dp/1537517996/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1474846787&sr=8-1&keywords=betty+predmore
Pondering Virtue is a delightful compilation of devotions written by Betty Predmore. Through this book she captures the essence of what it means to be a woman pursuing Christ…as a wife, daughter, mother, and friend. She encourages us all to truly think about our lives and our efforts to be virtuous women, and how we can only accomplish that through the word of God and the love of Jesus.
Betty poses next to her book cover at a book signing event on March 21,2016
Pondering Virtue can be found on Amazon.com or by contacting Betty Predmore directly at www.graceandvirtue1.com