But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful life. (1 Peter 2:9)
How are you feeling this morning? Are you feeling set apart? Are you feeling like God’s special possession? This morning, as you begin your day, do you feel CHOSEN?
Scripture tells us that we are His chosen people. I can think of nothing greater than to be chosen by God, to be considered His special possession. Oh….if only we could feel that way ALL the time! But life gets in the way. We get tired and worn down. We get discouraged. Something happens that makes our self-esteem plummet. We feel over-looked, under-appreciated, and not so worthy. Sometimes our sinful nature tugs at us until we are back under the cloak of sin, and cannot find the light.
The beautiful news is that no matter how we might be feeling, we ARE God’s chosen ones. He will call us out of whatever darkness we are hiding under, and He will shine His brightness upon us. He will bring us into the wonderful life He has promised for us, so that we can praise His holy name. All we have to do is BELIEVE!
I’ve heard this TWICE this week now! I think I’m supposed to be hearing a message LOL Thank you for this word!